Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pre UPSR Answering Techniques Workshops

1 . English Workshop

Paper 1 - I gained tons of useful information from this workshop. Whenever we read questions, we must underline the clues in the sentences and find the most correct answer. The speaker gave us many helpful tips and hints when we went for the workshop. He also said that we have to check all our answers after we finish answering any test that we take. The knowledge that he has given us can help us whenever we do our examinations, or even homework.

Paper 2 - The speaker taught us the better way to answer our English paper 2. When we are doing our section A (Sentence Construction) we must circle the main points given in the picture. After we have finished writing five sentences, we must check our spelling, grammar, handwriting, vocabulary and storyline. We must not make the sentences connected to each other. Next, for section B (Information Transfer) we must read the choices given thoroughly and pick the one that is easiest to answer. Therefore, we will gain more points and increase my chances in getting a high A. Lastly, for section C (Essay Writing) we must write at least four paragraphs with the minimum of 3 sentences in one. We must make sure our sentences in the paragraphs are related to the title, pictures and words give. Once we have finished the whole paper, we must check our punctuation, grammar, vocabulary, spelling and handwriting in the three sections.

2. Bahasa Malaysia Workshop

Pemahaman - For this paper, all important clues in sentences or passages must be underlined. To make sure of the answer, we must cross out those that are wrong. If we are stuck when doing a question, leave it out and continue with the rest. After we have finished the whole examination, go back to the question(s) left out. We must be extra careful when answering this paper as the it is tricky and difficult. We must reread our answers and questions to make sure our answers are correct.

Penulisan - Penulisan is easy to answer if we know how to. As always, we must check every section that we answer. When we answer Section A, we must circle the important activity or situation and write the points next to it. In section B, we must pick ONLY 1 title. We must remember the formats of the essays. if we have forgotten one of them, then do not pick an esay with that format. We MUST write at least six paragraphs to ensure good marks. For section C, all moral values must be underlined from the passage/poem etc. The morals have to be accurate, following the point. We must have five moral values, explanations and examples to it. Our answers must follow the maximum number of words, which is fifty words.

3. Science Workshop

Before we answer our Science paper, we must be well-prepared. Science is all about facts. We must study and read a lot. We must check every single answer and reread the questions. For section B in our Science paper, We must know how to answer the questions properly. The format of the answers we given at this workshop. If any words are missing, our answers might be wrong, so we must memorise the right way of answering.